September 22, 2023

46-year-old patient with knee pain experiences reduced pain in just 10 days.

Accessibility and reduced cost motivate patient to choose Phio over traditional care routes.

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Image credit: 
Ageing Better: Peter Kindersley

The patient

A 46-year-old female patient who had suffered knee pain for a month completed a Phio Access assessment and was signposted to Phio Engage for self-management with a guided rehabilitation programme. Mechanical knee pain is the second most common MSK condition seen within primary care.


The patient completed the Phio Engage online assessment mid-afternoon in 50 minutes — taking a break part way through.  

  • The patient reported a small amount of local knee swelling, with no long limb pain, sensory disturbance, heat or redness. 
  • She rated her pain level as 6/10.
  • She stated that the pain reduced with rest and was worse when kneeling, climbing stairs or getting out of a chair.


Based on her responses during the assessment, the patient was signposted to self-management using Phio Engage. 

  • The patient set two goals: being able to kneel down as a primary goal and being able to stretch her legs as a secondary goal. She scored both as 3/10 (with 0 being unable to do a task and 10 to complete perfectly). 
  • She progressed through the six-stage programme of guided exercises over a period of 14 weeks (99 days).
  • The patient completed 95 daily and 13 weekly assessments during the programme.
  • On daily assessments during the first six weeks, she reported the occasional small, non-clinical increase in pain and morning stiffness. 
  • She also used the chat function to talk directly to a clinician over the first two months, discussing step target, use of a knee support, supplements, lifestyle advice and to inform of improving symptoms.


  • 50% less pain by day ten
  • 33% increase in sleep quality
  • Patient-set goals achieved within 51 days

Patient feedback

  • Accessibility and lack of cost influenced her decision to use Phio rather than traditional care routes.
  • Impressed that she could do the exercises at home at a time that suited her
  • Enjoyed the live chat.

You can access the full case study here:

Access Case Study