August 22, 2024

Cultivating a holistic approach to MSK health and wellbeing

Despite being a critical component of overall wellbeing, musculoskeletal (MSK) health is frequently misunderstood and inadequately addressed in corporate wellness programs...

To learn how to take an holistic approach to MSK care, read the full whitepaper Despite being a critical component of overall wellbeing, musculoskeletal (MSK) health is frequently misunderstood and inadequately addressed in corporate wellness programs. In fact, while the integration of MSK health into broader wellbeing strategies is crucial, it is often overlooked in favour of reactive or short-term approaches. 

What Do We Mean by Wellbeing?

Overall wellbeing encompasses physical, mental, emotional and social health. MSK health is one of these interconnected areas – where each affects, and is affected by, the others. A comprehensive wellbeing strategy should therefore consider this interconnectedness, treating each wellbeing component as integrated elements of a holistic whole. 

Yet, initiatives to improve MSK health in organisations are often standalone efforts. This fragmented approach leads to short-term and reactive measures that fail to address underlying problems – such as tackling injury after it occurs, or hopping onto wellbeing ‘trends’ – rather than a proactive, preventative long-term MSK strategy. 

This may be due to several factors, one of which is a general lack of understanding about the importance of MSK health and its impact on overall wellbeing. By treating MSK health as a standalone issue, wellness leaders miss the opportunity to take a more comprehensive approach to supporting all areas of employee health. This missed opportunity and lack of proactivity surrounding employee MSK health means that organisations' likelihood of severe future MSK issues will rise – evidenced by higher long-term absences and reduced productivity.

The Importance of a Holistic Approach to Wellbeing

A holistic wellbeing approach should prioritise prevention, early intervention, rehabilitation, and ongoing support for MSK health alongside other measures of wellbeing. This approach not only addresses the root causes of MSK issues and ill-health, but also prevents the long-term effects – to both employees and businesses – of ignored or delayed diagnosis and treatment.

When injuries or musculoskeletal disorders occur, “a comprehensive care continuum that includes diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation is essential for restoring function and minimising long-term impact.” - Focus Group Participant 

A holistic approach not only supports the prevention of MSK conditions, but also supports other areas of health that may have been directly or indirectly affected by the MSK condition, such as mental health.

The Link Between MSK and Mental Health

The relationship between MSK health and mental health is profound, in fact:

33.9% of older adults with MSK pain also experience persistent anxiety. 

Chronic MSK conditions can lead to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, which in turn can further exacerbate MSK problems. For example, a person with chronic back pain may experience depression due to ongoing discomfort and limited mobility. Conversely, mental health conditions can delay recovery from MSK issues and increase absenteeism. As the two conditions are so closely related, it is in the best interest of employers to tackle both strategically and in tandem. 

“Mental health is our number 1 priority, but we spend more on our health providers for MSK. It makes sense for these to be more integrated and solved together.” - Focus group participant 

By acknowledging the symbiotic relationship between MSK and mental health, organisation wellbeing leads can deliver more holistic and effective care that addresses the multifaceted needs of individuals.

What Does Good Look Like? 

Integrated care approaches for employers to consider: 

  • Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT): CBT can help individuals manage pain, reduce stress, and develop coping strategies, improving both MSK and mental health outcomes
  • Mindfulness practices: Mindfulness and relaxation techniques can help alleviate pain and stress, enhancing overall wellbeing
  • Physical therapies: Exercise programs can address the physical symptoms of injury and pain, and promote mental wellbeing by improving functional abilities and fostering a sense of control
  • Digital MSK providers: Investing in specialised digital MSK providers can ensure all of these approaches are integrated into the wellbeing strategy in a cost effective and efficient way

Integrating MSK health into broader wellbeing strategies requires a cultural shift and a holistic approach that encompasses prevention, early intervention and ongoing support.

But by recognising the interconnectedness of MSK health with other areas of health and wellbeing and adopting proactive strategies, organisations can enhance employee engagement, productivity and overall health. 

After all, a happy healthy workforce is an organisation's best asset, so why not ensure employees have access to effective wellbeing plans and reduce the likelihood of long-time illnesses? 

To learn how to take an holistic approach to MSK care, read the full whitepaper